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New Moon Kundalini Magic with Cacao & Gong- 29.05.22 @ 6:30pm


-English version below--

Wir nutzen die Kraft des Neumonds für ein Cacao Ritual um uns unserer Ziele und Wünsche bewusst zu werden und uns entsprechend auszurichten. Ob du dich von der Macht des Mondes beeinflusst fühlst oder nicht, ein Mondphasenritual zu erschaffen, kann eine einfache Möglichkeit sein, dich jeden Monat zu reinigen und dich auf das zu konzentrieren, was in deinem Leben wichtig ist.
Der Neumond, oder dunkler Mond, ist traditionell eine Zeit, um den Geist auf das zu richten, was du in deinem Leben erschaffen willst, dh. eine Intention zu setzen. Gedanken, die wie Samen im Garten des Geistes gesät werden... je mehr wir sie nähren und pflegen, desto stärker werden sie.

Durch eine kraftvolle Kundalini Praxis u. Meditation schwingen wir uns ein und lassen danach die transformierenden Frequenzen des Gongs über uns wie eine Welle ergehen, die uns verschlingt und einmal durchwäscht. Der Gong wirkt auf jeden und auch jedes Mal immer wieder anders, kann leicht psychedelisch, emotional oder auch auf der physischen Ebene spürbar sein. Man sagt ihm nach, dass seine Klangwellen unsere DNA  korrigieren und heilend wirken.



Anmeldung: Mail und Paypal (an Familie/Freunde, oder die Gebühr übernehmen, danke) an

Workshop Dauer: ca. 3h

Beginn: 18:30 Uhr

Wo: Neukölln

Energieausgleich: Slidingscale 27,-, bis 37,- (je nach Einkommen)

Paypal to friends and family or cover the fee:   Bei Absagen ist der Beitrag bis max. 36h vorher erstattbar.


Mitzubringen: gemütliche Kleidung, Wasserflasche, Yogamatte, ein magisches Mitbringsel für den Altar (Stein, Blume, Amulett o.ä.). Wird wieder mitgenommen danach! Sowie einen aktuellen Antigen Test



Whether or not you feel affected by the moon's power, creating a moon phase ritual can be a simple way to clear yourself each month and realign with what is important in your life.
The new moon, or dark moon, is traditionally is a time to fix the mind on what you wish to create in your life, ie, setting an intention. Thoughts, like seeds are sown in the garden of the mind, the more we nourish and tend to them, the stronger they grow.
We will have a cacao ritual to work with our intention, fallowed by a powerful kundalini meditation which helps us to manifest or create our wishes and goals. During the transformative gong bath you will be swallowed by a wave of sound, which washes away what we doesn't serve us anymore...

Registration: mail to

Duration: approx. 3h

When: Saturday at 6:30pm

Where: Neukölln, Weserstraße

Energy exchange: slidingscale from 27,- to 37,- (depending on your income)

What to bring: comfortable clothes, some magical item for the altar (crystal, flower, amulet...)

flyer new moon kundalini cacao.png
full moon kundalini magic flyer.png

Kundalini Rebirthing Special with Cacao Ritual & Gongbath

                               Sunday, 16th. of April

We will use the power of the full moon to gather again for a heart opening cacao ritual and strong kundalini practice. Coming to gather in a circle to share and contemplate, to listen and to be witnessed. Realigning with our true being and create a magical space for transformation.


The Full Moon is the perfect time to let go of old, unnecessary things while giving yourself permission to mourn their passing. We will practice a proper spring cleanse/ detox kriya to clean our "house".


Rebirthing kriyas are the most talked about kriyas Yogi Bhajan was teaching, as they are not only full on and challenging, but also have really strong impact on our subconscious mind and will enable us to let go of our stories and rewire!

Kundalini meditations and and kriyas in general are designed to balance our chakra system and tattwas. They work on the emotional and energetic system, and allow us to release held tension and stored painful memories and habitual patterns.

We will connect through different embodiment exercises, inquiry, movement & breathwork with ourselves and others, exploring our inner landscape with all its different facettes, going deep and allowing yourself to release and surrender. A safe space is created and the group as a whole and you as an individual are accompanied by your process; this workshop is not suitable for people with:
-strong emotional imbalances, difficulties to self regulate
- too high blood pressure / heart problems
- epilepsy or other convulsive attacks
- glaucoma
- pregnancy
- psychosis or other serious mental illness
- Osteoporosis
- strong asthma

When: 4.5.22, 7pm

Where: Berlin, near S- Charlottenburg, U Wilmersdorferstraße, full adress will be given after registration

Energy exchange: early bird (non refundable) is 35,- until 4.4.22, regular price 45,-,, sign up together with a friend and pay 35,- each

Paypal to: (send to family and friends or cover the fee! Please mention your name and event date/name :))

language: English/ German


Registration is done by e-mail to

Bring: an open mind & curiosity, water bottle, comfy clothes, a towel

Ehrliches Mitteilen, Do. um 19 Uhr, ab dem 21.04.22

Abgerundet durch ein Rahmenprogramm, welches aus Meditation, Achtsamkeitsübungen oder auch gezielten Übungen für das Nervensystem bzw. den Vagusnerv bestehen wird.
Das ehrliche Mitteilen unserer Gefühle, Körperempfindungen und Gedanken in der Gruppe steht hier im Vordergrund. Dieser Prozess dient der Regulierung des Nervensystems und kann uns unterstützen mit Erregungszuständen, Ängsten und anderen Disbalancen wieder einen Weg zu finden, freier zu werden im Handeln und Sein.

Wir lernen wieder in wahren Kontakt zu gehen, mit uns wie auch der Gruppe. Es werden keine "Geschichten" ausgetauscht, sondern nur das, was wirklich gerade in dir da ist; auf der emotionalen, körperlichen wie gedanklichen Ebene. Auch insbesondere die Wahrheiten, die wir sonst nicht mitteilen würden, da sie im gesellschaftlichen Kontext keinen Platz haben sind hier Willkommen.

Kostenbeitrag pro Abend: 10,-

Dauer: ca. 2h

Eine verbindliche Anmeldung ist erforderlich, da begrenzte Teilnehmeranzahl. Anmeldung an:

Come with an open mind and be prepared to surrender into the flow of this dynamic meditation. Blankets, cushions are provided, please bring your own mat! Tea and water will be served.

⭒ Registration: PayPal the fee with your name and workshop date to - Important: send it to family/friends or cover the fee please. Group size is limited to 9 people

⭒ Where: Neukölln, Weserstraße. Exact location will be given after registration.

⭒ Duration: approx. 2,5h-3h

⭒ When: Sunday, 16.04.22 at 6:30pm

⭒ Cost: early bird (non refundable) until 16.3.22 is: 27,-, after 37,- (refundable only max. 36h ahead of the event), sign up with a friend and pay 30,- each 


⭒ Adress: Weserstraße, Neukölln (exact location will be given after registration)

⭒ Language: English/ German depending on your needs

⭒ What to bring: comfortable clothes, water bottle, yoga mat (tell me if u don't have one, so I will take care of it), some magical item for the altar (crystal, flower, amulet...)

Breath & Movement as Medicine - vishuddha (throat) chakra- the                      right to speak and to be heard- 4th. of May at 7pm

We will come together to experience some powerful medicines, which help us to reconnect to our bodies, emotions & soul. Starting with some earthy and heart warming cacao ritual to focus and set our intentions for the journey, we will create together a field for exploration, healing and release. What is it you would like to invite in your life? What is holding you back, to fully enjoy life and needs to be released? For me personally cacao as a medicine really allows me, to sink a little deeper into my physical body, to expand and soften.

This journey will focus on our self- expression, the 5th. chakra, Vishuddha, which is about our very own truth and the power of your voice and word. We are going to address the communication center between head and heart through meditation, inquiry work and physical exercises using breath & movement. The most powerful energy we create, is with our spoken word… Many of us feel blocked or scared to speak and to live their truth, still holding back needs and desires in order to please others, or to fit into a role society taught us. Being the nice girl, the perfect lover, the hard working salary man or even the spiritual yogi… It is a bit of a journey to really drop these conditioning and to free ourselves from the need to act according to expectations of others but the invitation is to start to be curious about exploring your true self. Looking back to childhood, many of us needed to be quiet, or were not allowed to talk back, in order to receive the love and acceptance from our caretakers, every child needs so badly to survive.

Very early we learn to suppress our feelings, needs and truth and develop a distorted character, becoming the person we are today.

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